(Paramount Business Articles-A Paramount Group Company)
By: H.M.Tahir Khan
Follow the Basic Guidelines:
When using your articles to Market an Affiliate-Product, you should follow these Basic Guidelines:
a) Be sure not to mention the Product in your Resource Box, if you are writing about a Product. That’s a useless giveaway of your Promoting a Product.

b) If you are writing an Article about a Product, be sure that the URLs you use in your Resource Box do not include the Product-name.

c) Do not link to the Product website or use an Affiliate-Link in the Article -body. It is wise to leave it for the Resource Box.

d) Articles should always come across as information rather than Promotion.

e) If you write a Product-Review, the Article should give an Unbiased Opinion, & not any hyped-up language, as if you are selling the Product.
Article submissions are a great venue for Affiliates-Marketing, but you need to be subtle about it. Here’s a quick rule of thumb:
a) The Product you mentioned in your article, should not be mentioned in your Resource Box, either via the URL you’re linking to (if URL contains Product-name) or via the text in your Resource Box.

How do you give your Affiliate Link then?

b) Use a URL that does not mention the Product & give it in the Resource Box without mentioning the Product.

c) If you want to mention the Product in your Resource Box, then do not write about the Product in your Article. Instead, you can write about the niche that your product is in.
For example, if you are an affiliate for an Auto-Article Rewriter, you can write about anything having to do with:
a) Article Marketing,
b) Articles writing,
c) Link building,
d) SEO,
e) Driving traffic to a website,
f) Marketing of a website, etc.
Then, in the Resource Box you can talk about the Product & give your Affiliate-Link.
Adopt a long term strategy for Article-Marketing:
As long as you want to Sell Products, keep on submitting your Articles. Articles- Marketing is not something that you will do for a month or two & then sit back, relax & Continue Earning for Life-Long. This is not the case here. You will have to Expand your initial Struggle for several months before you see the Actual-Results. Articles-Marketing gets its power from a compounded payoff, the power is in Consistency, Momentum, & the Cumulative affect of Many Articles being in Circulation & Continuing to be Picked up for Publication.
You must Submit the Original, Genuine Articles, written by you:
I know it may be tempting to buy articles or use articles that an affiliate program is providing you, but if you want ‘Article-Marketing to work for you’ then this is a No, No, & So, “No to PLR (Private Label Rights) articles.”
No articles that were written for a large group of people to be used. You must submit ‘Original Content of which you are the Sole Copyright Holder’ & the Content must be of a Good Quality. The Best way is “to write Articles by yourself” & then Submit ‘your Original-Articles’ into any ‘Standard Articles Directory’.
Your articles should not be too short:
Short and medium length articles are more effective than the lengthy ones. Write 1500 word articles, Split them into two or three & Rewrite them. Most Quality -Publishers appreciate an article being about 450 words. It means 400-500 words at the shortest would be better.
Always Put your ‘Own Personal Stamp’ on Your Articles:
You are not the only person Marketing Affiliate Products. There are countless others doing the same thing. What will you do to make your Marketing of these Products stand out? One way is to write from the heart & your writing should reflect who you are? For each Affiliate Product that you are Marketing, you will need to submit many articles, and they can’t all be the same. Learn to convey your information Creatively & make your Articles stand apart from the pack. I can’t stress this enough, particularly if your niche is pretty saturated. You need to ‘Develop Your Own Personal Style of writing that makes You Memorable’. This takes more time and effort than just writing the same types of articles that other Affiliate-Marketers write. You should have a Unique Way of Presenting Your Articles. Make a Point to Develop that Uniqueness!
Be an Expert Articles-Writer:
To be Successful in Articles-Marketing, make it a point to learn about your niche & your field of Business. An expert is someone who knows his/her field and provides valuable information that has not been snatched from other sources. Your articles need to provide something Different, in the way you present, as well as having Required knowledge that cannot be freely found every where.
Prime Objective:
This is one of the favourite approaches & a great way to Ensure Objectivity. Write about the Technology or the General niche, then use your Resource Box to draw the Readers into the Specific Product. It should be an Educational Article, or providing information, & should look quite Unique from others. There is an idea, which will work more here. Don’t write about any Product or its Review!
Do not write about the Product:
Remember ! Your article is not just an advertisement of any single Product or a Product-mix. Any Affiliate who is Marketing an Auto-Article Rewriter, can do so by submitting articles written about Article-Marketing, writing, Link-building, Building a web presence, etc. If you’re in Affiliate Marketing, get it out of your mind that you need to write every Article about the Product. It is much better to write about the General niche, & then use your Resource Box to talk about the Product.
Be careful while hiring Ghost-Writers.
It is a fact that most of the Articles-Writers, outsource their writing to Ghost-writers, and this is fine as long as they offer quality work that is 100% original. If you use a Ghost-Writer:
a) Be sure that the article is 100% unique.
b) Be sure that you are the sole copyright holder of this article, & that no one else has the right to publish it as their own.
c) Be sure that the article conforms to the ‘Writing-Guidelines for Articles’ that Market Affiliate Products.
d) Check Grammar & Spellings again & again, as you are giving Your Name to these Articles. Make a Thorough-Review the Articles to confirm those are something that you could be rightly Proud of.

Use Automatic Article Submission, instead of Manual Submission:
You will lessen your work considerably by submitting automatically. If you are submitting manually, you need to go for a big volume. You will have to submit tons of articles to have a good impact because you are only submitting to a few sites. But, if you are using an Auto-Article Submitter, each Article gets Widespread Distribution, so you can see results faster with less work. This will not only save your time, but will also help increasing your Projection, thus a Better Exposure!


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